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Desexing - Hormone Sparing
Why do we desex our puppies?1. To only leave a positive impact on the labradoodle breed. As an ethical breeder, it is our responsibility to leave only a postive mark on the labradoodle breed. That beacuse of our selective high quality breeding, we improve the breed in some small way. The ALA website in alignment with my views states, "Many breeds in the past that have become popular have had inexperienced breeders or puppy mills start breeding dogs who are not breeding quality to fulfill the public demand. What this has done is created a large number of dogs for the demand but at the expense of the breed itself and the families receiving those puppies. The results are devastating with a large increase of genetic defects and unstable temperaments which arise due to non-breeding quality dogs being bred on by breeders who are inexperienced and make bad breeding choices." 2. We will always put the best interest of our puppies first. Our puppies are pets only who are to be loved and receive the highest quality of domestic life. By removing the capability of reproduction we can be sure that the intentions of every single application is only to love their puppy and bring them into their family. This means none of our puppies will ever contribute to backyard breeding by inexperienced breeders or end up in a puppy mill. We are extremely proud of this fact, and the fulfilling lives we can ensure our puppies will lead. 3. To protect our breeding line. We spend a lot of our time, effort and finances in achieving the West Side breeding line. All our breeding dogs are thoroughly health tested to ensure we only breed healthy puppies. Time is invested in their training to bring out the best of their personalities. Study and research along with ongoing experience has brought a deeper insight into understanding the genotypes of the dam/sires and to predict litters based on the pairing. We are breeding towards the ideal fleece coat family dog, and desexing protects our line so that others' can't steal the hard work we've put in and start their own breeding line without our knowledge. We do however, LOVE working with other ALA breeders to share and show off our stud boys for service.
What is hormone sparing desexing?Hormones influences normal growth and development. Hormone sparing desexing leaves these crucial hormones behind to help the puppies grow. These hormones help reduce the risk of hip dysplasia and cruciate ligament tears and can increase the dogs' life span. When the hormones are removed due to a complete desexing at an early age, the growth plates of the long bones remain open when they should start to close as puberty begins. This can cause the dog to have longer legs than they otherwise would've. Sterilizing dogs while retaining natural hormones is a way to “have one’s cake and eat it too”: a way to address population concerns without the negative health impacts from hormone loss. The goal is to sterilize puppies and prevent backyard breeding without negatively impacting individual health and longevity.
What are the hormone sparing desexing procedures?For male puppies the hormone sparing desexing is called a vasectomy. Uses two small incisions to remove a portion of the Vas Deferens that travels from each testicle. Testicles are left in place and undisturbed, but sperm can no longer travel through the Vas Deferens. Hormones are produced in the testicles, meaning a dog’s reproductive hormones will remain. For female puppies the hormone sparing desexing has a few names such as an ovary sparing spay, hysterectomy or partial spay. The entire uterus is removed, but the ovaries are left intact. The pup will be unable to reproduce without a uterus but retain the hormones from the ovaries. She will still come into heat every 6 months. She may show behavioural changes during this time and will attract males. However, removal of the entire uterus should eliminate bleeding.
What are the side effects of the procedures?The procedures take place when the puppy is 8 weeks old. The incisions are very small and have internal sutures which will dissolve on their own. Other than initial grogginess from the anaesthesia which wear off in a matter of hours, there may be some itchiness as the wound heals over the next few days. Over the next 3 days, the wound is monitered to ensure it's healing, but life looks pretty normal for a 8 week old pup - sleeping, playing, pooping and lots more sleeping! No follow up with the Vet is required.
Will a complete desexing be required further down the track?Our vet at Applecross Vets has strongly advised that no further desexing (removal of testicles or ovaries) is required or recommended. The decision however will ultimately be up to the family of the puppy. If the family do want to pursue a complete desex we strongly recommend waiting at least 18months when the puppy has finished growing. Many Vets are now very strongly encouraging a complete desex at 6 months old, around the age when it becomes possible for a dog to reproduce. Although well intended to prevent accidental litters contributing to the amount of dogs in animal shelters, this is still quite young and more growing is to be done. The hormone sparing desexing really is a great option we hope to see practised more widely across Vet Clinics.
Where can I find more information?

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